Although the FD series have been replaced during the mid 1990s, amateur hobbyists are able to use these vintage lenses due to the various lens mount adapters created for use of . CINE-PRO Seamless Metal Follow Focus Lens Gear Ring for Canon FD 35mm F2 S.S.C. Canon NFD 24 35 50 85 100 135 F/2 and More! Canon FD 35mm F2のすべてのカテゴリでの落札相場一覧です。 「キャノン Canon New FD 135mm F2 マニュアルフォーカス / MF 望遠 レンズ [23243]」が65件の入札で146,700円、「Y782 Canon AE-1 Program ブラック New FD 135mm F2 大口径 レンズセット ジャンク」が45件の入札で41,509円、「Canon FD 35mm F2 S.S.C.」が42件の入札で . This review really surprised me. I have owned copies of the 2.0/28 and the 4/200 Macro and the corner performance was horrible on both of them. Canon FD 35mm f2 with concave front element. With a new 10-element, 8-group construction, the FD 35mm f/2 is approximately 25 percent shorter and 29 percent lighter than the earlier FD design. Has anyone seen comparisons of the two variations of this lens? Near MINT⚡ Canon New FD NFD 35mm f2.8 MF Wide Angle Lens From JAPAN #187. This is clearly visible in the crops below, the lens is much softer wide open then at f/5.6. This was Canon’s standard lens mount until it was replaced by Canon’s new EF electronic lens mount developed for use for its autofocus camera line. Is the radioactive that much better? Later batches should not be radioactive either. Canon FD 28mm F/2.8 Lens Review. Thanks! super Test, danke. Jörg. Eine Kleinigkeit, die auch in anderen Listen unscharf ist. mir nur im Schrank. This allowed manufacturers to make thinner and higher quality lenses. Canon FD 35mm F/2 Wide-angle prime lens • Film era • Discontinued. Mamiya was a professional camera manufacturer and made many excellent camera lenses - most of them are often overlooked by enthusiasts in favour of the better-known brands. Es ist interessant zu sehen, dass dort nicht nur die Wurzeln von Zeiss, Leica oder Voigtländer liegen, sondern auch Nikon und Canon bereits Objektive für Rangefinder Kameras gemacht haben. This Canon EF 20-35mm f/2.8 L was Canon's first professional wide-angle zoom. der Test stammt zwar diesmal nicht von Phillip, aber wir sind bei dem Thema einer Meinung. Seamless 360 degrees precision CNC machined metal gears set. Could be slightly radioactive, but too low to be measured. Have a good day . You really should review the breech mount FD lenses, particularly the concave 35/2, Your email address will not be published. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ich bin froh, dass wir mit Bastian einen Autor haben, der da gut im Thema steckt. A study carried out by the Physics department of Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology estimates that total exposure to a professional photographer using a typical thoriated lens would amount to only 0.2% yearly allowable exposure to the eye and 0.17% to the whole body under the conservative standards of the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority. April 6, 2010 by Andrew Reid . The corner performance of the 2.0/35 seems to be one stop behind the f/2.8 at all apertures. Especially the nFD 2.8/35 lags behind the nFD 2.0/35 when it comes to bokeh. Canon FD 35mm f/2 - rare earth Thorium element. Bilder mit dem Fd 2/35 haben mich nie überzeugt. WEP Auto Weiton 35mm f2 No.731448 10,05 µSv/h (back of lens, Agfa Color Solinar 2.8/50 (serial S51644): ~70cpm at the front, Agfa Solinar 50mm f/2.8 (Agfa Karat 36, front element group, serial S01812): 385CPM/2.4 uSv/h (front), ~100CPM/0.7 uSv/h (rear), Bell & Howell Director Series (Model 1208?) Und davon abgesehen ist es einfach schade, dass das nFD 35/2 ohne Raparatur und neue Gleitlager zwar ganz gut funktioniert, aber dass es mit neuen Gleitlagern ein Spitzenobjektiv sein könnte… Tja, der Konjunktiv…. Gruß I corrected vignetting sometimes to make the comparison easier. I marked this as blue just because of the value for performance. The third lens in the series is Canon FD 35mm/2.8 SSC Tilt & Shift. Phillip confirmed my findings, he got the same result out of his younger lens. Elements / Groups. Lastly, don’t forget that you can do awesome and creative things with tilt shift lenses that do not neccesary require optical perfection. The Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 in Action. Ich hab ein bisschen ein problem mit den “normalen” nFD Linsen. These cookies do not store any personal information. Hallo Jannik, Better than 50 f1.4 for example (cant compare with other 35mm) but nowhere near obviously 85mm Your email address will not be published. LR-Correction +3 seems to be the best compromise between borders and center although a dedicated lens profile would be needed for architecture photography. Click for larger. Canon FD Lenses. Ich habe auch schonmal überlegt, die nFDs zu zerlegen und von Grund auf zu erneuern. Free shipping. The evaluation of the TS 2.8/35 could be slightly distracted by the longer focal length and the longer physical length (results in lower depth of field) but it’s bokeh looks more pleasant than the Bokeh of the 2.8/35. Timestamp and pictures. Carl Zeiss Planar T* 35mm f/2 (Contax G) In this test, there are no winners or losers, and I mean it. Super² Danke. If you want, Vielen Dank für diesen sehr aufschlußreichen Test. another copy reported as non-radioactive), Porst Color Reflex MC Auto 1:1.2/55mm (f22 version-Tomioka serial until 00xxxx. Canon FD 35mm f2.0 SSC -- First Day Out. Although the FD series have been replaced during the mid 1990s, amateur hobbyists are able to use these vintage lenses due to the various lens mount adapters created for use of mirror-less cameras in order to bring back some of these vintage lenses. Canon New FD 35mm 1:2.0 - final conclusion. eBay offers a multitude of Canon FD 35mm F2 lenses in various conditions and models. Canon FD TS 2.8/35mm – low barrel distortion with a slight mustache style sub-frequency. All have been checked with a functioning geiger counter. If nothing else, but to demonstrate advantage of prime lenses in real world example. Two of these were in the original or . Lens: CANON LENS FD 35mm 1:2 -- CANON -- LENS MADE IN JAPAN This video shows the radioactivity from a 35mm f/2 Canon FD camera lens, as measured by a simple . $129.99. Today is sort of a perfect day for photographs -- overcast sky after a light misty rain and the greens are very green and colours seem to jump out at you. Sometimes this incidental radioactivity causes a significant browning of these lens elements. FD Mount Tilt Shift Lens. $549.90. I hope you understand that I could not cover every single aspect of lens performance here. Wobei ich das ältere Fd 2/35 convex front element und das neuere Ts 35 mit der grünen Schrift besitze. I will probably opt for the 35mm f/2 mainly because of the 8 aperture blades., Hallo Jannik, The only aperture where I would consider it to be sufficiently sharp is f/11. as far as I know, there isn`t a nFD 35mm 3.5, only the old version. Vorraussetzung ist nur ein Adapter der auch zuverlässig auf Unendlich fokussiert. Absolutely excellent optics! Please let us know about your findings. Canon (SUPER-CANOMATIC LENS) R 50mm 1:1.8 . Winner: 2.8/35 2nd/3rd: 2.0/35 (play in the focusing ring) / TS 2.8/35 (size and weight). Considerable vignetting at f2 – Gets better at f2.8 I’ve been using the Canon 35mm f3.5 FD BL lens on my F1n & EF bodies for about 15 years. das stimmt so nicht, die Fokussierung kann völlig ruckelfrei sein, auch wenn die Gleitlager zerbröselt sind (und umgekehrt kann die Fokussierung ruckeln, auch wenn die Gleitlager perfekt repariert sind). I’m not sure, the performance of the TS is not completely bad, it is just not as good as the other two when it comes to edge sharpness. There are at least six different 35mm lenses for Canon FD: This comparison is about the new FD 35mm f/2.8 (In-depth review), new FD 35mm f/2.0 and the FD TS 35mm f/2.8 S.S.C. What that means is no one else found a good sample…. yusuf wrote: Hi, any idea about how Canon LTM 35mm f2 (type 2 black) compares to Canon FD 35mm f2 SSC both in sharpness and rendering wide-open. !ヤフオク・楽天・Amazonなどオークションやショッピングサイトの比較・検討が出来る「オークファン」過去10年間のオークション落札価格・情報を網羅。 Serial Number 10001-99999, and absolutely love it, use it most of the time on my camera as an all-around lens but lately been struggling getting shots in focus as my twin girls have become much faster (17 months old). Lens Name Grp -El Angle of View Diaph . {we should clarify for the reader: an X-ray exam takes 15minutes. marty wrote: Postponing that none of them will focus to infinity on Eos bodies (without surgery or corrective element in the adapter) the Canon nFD 35 2 is a good performer, sharp even wide open (if you manage to focus perfectly). Michael. Will man solch ein Objektiv kaufen, dann sollte man das vor dem Kauf durch Drehen des Focusringes ganz genau prüfen. I’ll start that comparison with a closer look at the FD 35mm lens family because otherwise this can be a bit confusing. Bokeh – good. I disagree here since I liked to play with the tilt feature and shallow depth of field: Serial Number 10001-99999 and absolutely love it, use it most of the time on my camera as an all-around lens but lately been struggling getting shots in focus as my twin girls have become much faster (17 months old) The Canon FD 35mm F2 lenses are wide angle lenses originally created by Canon for its manual focus cameras that are capable of producing fast and high quality images. Thanks for this comparison! Canon FD 35mm f2.0 SSC -- First Day Out. Up for sale is my Canon FD 35mm F2 - the less common Chrome nose variant with the concave front element. The nFD 35 f2 is the most modern of several 35mm lenses made for Canon's FD mount. Besides, the FD 35mm also has the most commonly used focal length of 35mm. The Handling of the 2.8/35 and the 2.0/35 is very pleasant due to the light weight and the easy unlock mechanism. Maximun Aperture. Das FD 2,0 mit Thorium Glas lief wohl schon vor der Seriennummer 100.000 aus. Die Studentin Laura wagt einen großen Schritt: Sie heiratet Georg, einen um dreißig Jahre älteren Mann. M. Ich habe den Absatz zu den Gleitlagern überarbeitet – danke für deinen Erfahrungsbericht. Um das Ergebnis nachhaltig und stochastisch haltbar zu belegen, wären noch mehr Objektive nötig. Each of the six lenses is compatible with cameras with the Canon FD lens mount, which was the primary mount used by Canon from the 1970s to the 1990s. JETZT AUCH DAS Einhorn-MOTIV ALS TASCHENBUCHKALENDER GLEICH BEQUEM MITBESTELLEN: https: // Oder oder nutzen Sie die Suche auf Amazon "Kreativwerkstatt Berlin + Kalender Einhorn". ♥♥♥Viel Freude mit unseren ... The 2.8/35 TS feels very solid. Aspherical (Measured at 46532 CPM @ front element ) Canon SUPER-CANOMATIC LENS R 50mm 1:1.8 No.78xxx Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Früher schaute man in die Gelben Seiten oder ins Lexikon, heutzutage ist die Recherche über's Internet für die meisten selbstverständlich geworden. Canon’s FD 35mm F2 lenses are wide angle lenses that offer great versatility to the range of photos that can be taken under different types of lighting, both indoors and outdoor. Anders als andere Aussprachewörterbücher basieren die hier präsentierten Angaben zu großen Teilen auf empirisch gewonnenem Datenmaterial; das Werk steht damit in der Nachfolge des halleschen Großen Wörterbuchs der deutschen Aussprache ... Hoya HMC Wide-Auto 24mm f/2.8 (serial 211453, also RMC Tokina etc.). This is not a pixel peeper's lens, but this lens can handle all kinds of situations. Massimo Borrelli. deine Reviews sind gut, ich schätze sie sehr, aber deine Informationen über die Gleitlager beim nFD 35/2 sind falsch! Nothing to worry about, but the aperture ring feels a little dull and the used materials are less worthy. Canon camera museum doesn’t list it either. Corrected. Liegt bei Wenn man es nicht besser weiß, denkt man eben einfach, das die Schärfe so schon ok ist, und man sieht erst den Unterschied, wenn man die Gleitlager durch improvisierten Ersatz erneuert. ! 50mm is my favorite focal length and the max. The Canon EF 20-35mm f/2.8 L is optically as good as today's newest Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L II and Canon 17-40mm f/4L, but smaller, better made and much less expensive to buy used. Iens make it extremely fast and easy to focus and it achieves outstanding image definition even at full aperture opening. Man spürt oder hört das meist gar nicht, denn es ist ja noch Fett da und außerdem sind da ja noch die verklebten Brösel der Gleitlager, sodass die Linsengruppe nicht wild rumklappern kann. The nFD 2.0/35 and the FD TS 2.8/35 feature floating elements, therefore I expected them to perform better than the nFD 2.8/35. The lens feels somewhat cheap and other lenses are more pleasant to use. Most people put it in the sun for a while to bleach it out. Canon FD 35mm f/2.0 (versions from the early 1970's - concave front element) Canon FD 55mm f/1.2 S.S.C. und mir danach die Bilder anschaue bin ich immer begeistert. The usage of thorium also added a yellow tint to the lens that increased with age but can be reversed by exposure to sunlight’s UV light.
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