Proclear contact lenses are also the only daily disposable contact lenses made with PC Technology™, which helps keep eyes moist and . Supervision, Regarding the acquisition and analysis procedures, the high repeatability index of the choroidal thickness measurement plus its segmentation of 10 μm exceeds the observed effect sizes of approximately 2 μm. The error bars indicating the standard deviation imply a highly individual variability in choroidal reactions. Statistical analysis in MATLAB consisted of the Kruskal-Wallis test, which represents the nonparametric version of the one-way ANOVA. In Twitter freigeben In Facebook freigeben Auf Pinterest teilen Die Linsen integrieren die Aquaform-Technologie von CooperVision, wodurch die Augen den ganzen Tag lang mit Feuchtigkeit benetzt sind und gleichzeitig Sauerstoff an die Augen gelangen kann. Biofinity brand contact lenses are made by CooperVision for superior comfort, extended moisture, and oxygen permeability.Biofinity contacts are made with Aquaform Comfort Science Technology, which creates a unique material that provides superior moistness, and resists protein buildup by holding water within the lens. Resources, Wang et al. SofLens 59 12,60 €. Die Kontaktlinsen bieten ein störungsfreies Sehen bis zum Ende eines langen Tages. Im Buch gefundenmultifocal contact lenses Multifokal-Kontaktlinsen {pl}; Multifokallinsen {pl}; Mehrstärkenlinsen {pl}; Gleitsichtlinsen {pl} multifocal lens | multifocal lenses Multifokalglas {n} (für eine Brille) | Multifokalgläser {pl} multifocal; ... Proclear 1 Day Multifocal contact lenses have a superior aspheric optic design that is specifically adjusted for each power. Farbensinn unabhängig von einem Raumsinn strenggenommen nicht gibt. Proclear multifocal. MwSt . No, Is the Subject Area "Myopia" applicable to this article? These lenses are smaller in diameter than soft contact lenses and rest on a layer of tears above the margin of your lower eyelid. Die Gesundheits- und Krankheitslehre lernen und verstehen! Methodology, Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in ChT changes between both eyes for every contact lens and retinal point location. Farbige Kontaktlinsen Farbige Kontaktlinsen verändern oder verstärken die Augefarbe. Studies have found reduced myopia progression with multifocal contact lenses, albeit with an unclear mechanism behind their protective effect. Weekly Contact Lenses offer the ideal compromise, giving you increased comfort and longevity. Ideal for young presbyopes who do not want to use glasses. Prior to the experiment, there was no difference between the ChT of both eyes at any retinal region divided by the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) [24] (all p > 0.05). The material has a light blue colour for easy handling. Jederzeit zugreifen: Der Inhalt des Buches steht Ihnen ohne weitere Kosten digital in der Wissensplattform eRef zur Verfügung (Zugangscode im Buch). Mit der kostenlosen eRef App haben Sie zahlreiche Inhalte auch offline immer griffbereit. Monatslinsen. Bieten klare Sicht auf allen Entfernungen. Das Sehen mit einer Hornhautverkrümmung wird als Astigmatismus bezeichnet. Eighteen myopic participants wore four different contact lenses ((1) single-vision lenses corrected for distance, (2) single-vision lenses with +2.50 D full-field defocus, (3) Multifocal center-distance design, (4) Multifocal center-near design, both with addition power +2.50 D) for 30 min each on their right eye. (B) Horizontal power profile of the MFD lens as measured and adapted from Wagner et al. In that time we have despatched over 4 million orders and we take pride in the fact that over 90% of orders are from existing, satisfied customers. However, it was observed that the changes in choroidal thickness versus vitreous chamber depth occurred in anti-phase to each other. Kontaktlinsen mit UV-Schutz Diese Kontaktlinsen bieten für Ihre Augen einen gewissen Schutz vor gefährlichen UV-Strahlen und korrigieren die Sehfehler des Kontaktlinsenträgers. 35,19€. Sie wird auch Sphäre genannt und auf Kontaktlinsenpackungen als SPH, PWR oder D abgekürzt. Die refraktive Chirurgie ist ein stark expandierendes Feld in der Augenheilkunde. Doch welches Verfahren ist für welchen Patienten geeignet? Welche Komplikationen gibt es und wie geht man mit ihnen um? In the centre, the lens is transparent so your pupil isn't obstructed and you can see clearly. Profitieren Sie von den Mengenrabatten aller führenden Marken-Kontaktlinsen wie Dailies Total 1, Dynalens, 1Day-Acuvue TrueEye, 1Day-Acuvue Moist und weiteren. Both monofocal contact lenses, one with distance correction (SVDC) and one with a full-field undercorrection (SVDF), were used as a comparison to the multifocal contact lenses. The first and only multifocal water gradient contact lens to help you see clearly at all distances. We aspire to lead the world in innovating life-changing vision and eye care products because when people see brilliantly, they live brilliantly. To obtain the difference in choroidal thickness from the corresponding baseline measurement (three averaged measurements each), the values before contact lens wear were subtracted from the values after contact lens wear. All contact lens brands at low prices, delivered at your home. Funding: Funding was received from Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen (ZUK 63) as part of the German Excellence initiative from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Was immer Sie über praktische Krankenhaushygiene und Umweltschutz, einschließlich der speziellen Aspekte aus den verschiedenen Fachgebieten, wissen müssen - hier finden Sie es! ". Project administration, The most popular contact lenses at massively discounted prices, including Acuvue, Biofinity, and Dailies. The main study illustrated, that short periods of wearing different single vision and multifocal contact lens designs lead to only small and nonsignificant changes in the thickness of the choroid and the vitreous chamber depth. The outermost ring has no optical effect because it lies outside the pupil [7, 17]. Hereby, the signal cascade from the retinal neurons must pass through the choroid on the way to the sclera [4]. Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH provided support in the form of salaries for authors MGG, AO and SW, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Our make-up guide will inspire you with lots of cool Halloween costume ideas. Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, UNITED STATES, Received: August 21, 2018; Accepted: November 2, 2018; Published: November 16, 2018. Alle Preise im € inklusive MwSt (Sie können eine andere Währung, in der oberen Menüleiste wählen). Continually exploring new technologies in vision care, Johnson & Johnson inhabits the highest echelon of eye-care innovation. Although the absolute changes in choroidal thickness of the right eye for every ETDRS region and the applied contact lenses were not statistically significant (all p > 0.05), subtle trends were visible and are displayed in Fig 4. 56 Treffer Tragedauer: Tageslinsen. While choroidal thickness changes after exposure to full-field defocus have been shown in the aforementioned human studies, there are no results about choroidal reactions to multifocal contact lenses with different refractive profiles. This, in turn, did not allow reliable conclusions about the presence or absence of an intercular transfer. Studies have found reduced myopia progression with multifocal contact lenses, albeit with an unclear mechanism behind their protective effect. Contact lenses for people with astigmatism, dry eyes, presbyopia, giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), keratoconus or post-LASIK problems. No, Is the Subject Area "Eyes" applicable to this article? [25]. It would also be oversimplifying to consider the visual output from multifocal contact lenses as solely myopic defocus, similar to a low-pass filter. Tageslinse Dailies Total 1 Multifocal MED Alcon . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 980Auch die Kontaktlinsen - Hygiene wurde nicht vergessen . ... Für die Herstellung der Multifokal - Contactlinsen wurde von Söhnges eine besondere Maschine konstruiert , die dem Einspannen der hauchdünnen Linsen größte Aufmerksamkeit ... Technologie profitieren. We offer a free standard delivery service on all contact lenses ( Multifocal, Torics, Silicone Hydrogel ) orders overs over £45, otherwise if you're in a hurry we provide a faster premium delivery service for £3.99. More recently, numerous multifocal soft contact lenses and extended depth of focus soft contact lenses (collectively referred to as myopia control contact lenses) were found effective in slowing myopia. Acuvue® Oasys™ manufactured by Johnson & Johnson Inc, and offered in this 24 pack format, is a lens made of a new silicone hydrogel material that has special qualities which include a capacity to deliver 98% of available oxygen to the cornea. Ideal for experienced riders looking to hone specific technical aspects of riding and riding styles. AerGel-Silikon-Hydrogel- Despite the slight myopic defocus of -0.5 D in the corrected central part of the contact lens, as seen in Fig 5, there is almost no influence of additional myopic defocus from the progression zone of the lens. If you've been diagnosed with keratoconus, successful management usually hinges on getting the right contact lens fit.Only an expert can provide clear comfortable vision for sufferers of this eye disease. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, Roles [25] and the subsequently measured changes of the ChT observed during the course of the present study. Information über die Anpassung von Kontaktlinsen * Wie kann ich mir Kontaktlinsen anpassen lassen? Im Buch gefunden – Seite 12... auf dem Gebiet der Anfertigung von Kontaktlinsen beobachten können , daß es kaum noch einen Patienten geben dürfte , der nicht mit gut passenden Gläsern versehen werden könnte , obwohl es wie überall auch hier Ausnahmen gibt . The Proclear Multifocal ‘D’ (MFD) lens has a center-distance design with a 2.3 mm diameter zone of distance correction. In experiments with chicks, for example, the imposition of negative lenses creating hyperopic retinal defocus leads not only to axial elongation but also choroidal thinning, and vice versa, for myopic defocus with associated choroidal thickening [11]. - online since 2007. However, the left eye showed overall higher amplitudes of change than the right eye, except for with the SVDC lens. Buy contact lenses and cleaning solutions for contact lenses at discount prices - up to 45% cheaper than in the optical stores. Although these studies solely investigated the effect of contact lens-induced full-field defocus between +2.0 D and +3.0 D, which matches best to our SVDF lens, they found choroidal thickness changes that are at least twice as high—with an exposure time twice as long as in the present study. For the analysis of peripheral refraction, the mean of the dioptric values in the horizontal and vertical meridian were taken as SE at each angle point in steps of 0.71° for ± 50° from the fovea. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study assessing the impact of two oppositely designed multifocal contact lenses on the human choroidal thickness and vitreous chamber depth. 88 Angebote . Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. M. García García, A. Ohlendorf and S. Wahl are employed by Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH and are scientists at the University Tuebingen. Alle Kontaktlinsen Cooper Vision. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 175... viewing through a monofocal IOL and a diffractive multifocal IOL in comparison with a free view of the test objects. Einleitung Die optische Qualität intraokularer Linsen ist, verglichen mit derjenigen von Brillen und Kontaktlinsen, ... Conversely, the MFN lens elicits changes in choroidal thickness that show more similarities to the power profile of the contact lens, as displayed in Fig 6C. Another important fact to consider is the area of the actually measured retina versus the area that is covered by the zones of the contact lens. Supervision, No, Is the Subject Area "Tomography" applicable to this article? Die PureVision Multi-Focal Monats-Kontaktlinsen sind die einzigen The n = 5 participants (28%) with relative peripheral hyperopia (RPH) showed relative hyperopic shifts in the periphery compared to their on-axis myopia. Is the Subject Area "Eye lens" applicable to this article? The material is naturally moisturized without adding any wetting agent, Our built-in moisture is evenly spread throughout the lens and mimics the moisture dispersion of naturally healthy eyes and are . [25]. 1 800 LENS COM Im Buch gefunden – Seite 127Geburtstag gewidmet Zusammenfassung Brillengläsern und Kontaktlinsen auch problemlos sind . ... measured CSF with monofocal and multifocal IOL shows that the method allows prediction of visual performance after implantation of the IOL . Coloured contact lenses are designed to imitate the appearance of your iris. Die beliebte Monatslinse ist als sphärische, torische und multifokale Linse erhältlich. BHS Training Area Car Park Area , Next to the Cricket Oval Richmond end of Saxton field Stoke, BHS Training Area Car Park Area ,Next to the Cricket Oval Richmond end of Saxton field Stoke. Cooper Vision Proclear Multifocal Toric XR (6 Stk.) Dr Jim Kokkinakis at The Eye Practice is a member of the prestigious International Society of Contact Lens Specialists (ISCLS) and is here to help you with your contact lens fitting no . Jedes Kapitel ist von namhaften Experten-Teams (Arzt und Therapeut/en) geschrieben. In einem separaten Teil widmen sich die Autoren aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen und geben einen Ausblick auf die Weiterentwicklung der Therapie. No matter what your prescription, your vision is refined for optimal sharpness. Clariti Multifocal 1 x 6 Kontaktlinsen 1 x 6 Kontaktlinsen Multifokale Monatslinse aus Silicon-Hydrogel Material, die auch bei trockenen Augen einen sehr guten, lang anhaltenden Tragekomfort bietet. Multifokale Monats-Kontaktlinsen, für Nah- und Fernsicht bei Altersweitsichtigkeit (Presbypopie) 52,99 €. Writing – review & editing, Roles Die Pure Vision Multi-Focal Kontaktlinsen sind die einzigen multifocalen Der 8. 1-DAY ACUVUE ® DEFINE ® Brand Contact Lenses go beyond colored contacts by boosting your natural eye color and creating an authentic look. Yes If you demand exceptional quality, try CooperVision ® Biofinity ® contact lenses for a remarkable balance of comfort, breathability and crisp, sharp vision. In contrast, the Proclear Multifocal ‘N’ (MFN) lens is structured oppositely with a central ring that consists of the maximum addition power and a progressive power decrease to the distance correction within the transition zone [17]. There was less thinning with both multifocal contact lenses. Comparison of the lens-induced changes on the central ChT and vitreous chamber depth (VCD) between both eyes for every applied contact lens. Manchmal findet man sogar besonders günstige Preise. Multifocal contact lenses have no significant influence on choroidal thickness after short-term wear. Due to the absence of scleral innervation, the choroid assumingly plays a major mediating role in the regulation of ocular growth, possibly as a reaction to defocus. The main study investigated the short-term influence of multifocal contact lenses on choroidal thickness (ChT) and vitreous chamber depth. In looking at various online retail sources, we calculated the cost-per-day of both lenses to be very similar. Wer seine Multifokallinsen sogar länger als 14 Stunden am Tag verwenden möchte, sollte Biofinity Multifocal von Cooper Vision ausprobieren. Am besten lässt man die Werte beim Augenarzt oder Optiker bestimmen. Available with correction for near and farsighted prescriptions. *Mit zwei oder weniger Anpasslinsen pro Auge, basierend auf DAILIES ® AquaComfort Plus ® Multifocal und AIR OPTIX ® AQUA MULTIFOCAL Kontaktlinsen. Ein-Tages-Kontaktlinse mit Wassergradient. Despite the overall opposite effects of vitreous chamber depth shortening with a central choroidal thickening, there was no significant correlation factor between the changes in ChT and vitreous chamber depth. (C) Changes in choroidal thickness from temporal to nasal retina after wearing the MFN lens for 30 min in the present study. Können Augentrockenheit beim Tragen von Kontaktlinsen mildern. However, the vitreous chamber depth and the magnitude of myopia showed a significant negative correlation (Pearson R = -0.54, p < 0.001). The American Optometric Association published a contact lens comparison chart called Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of Contact Lenses on the differences between them. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This was followed by the MFN lens and the regular SVDC lens, where the choroid increased by +1.6 ± 11.3 μm and +0.9 ± 11.2 μm, respectively. medivue®clear 1 day is a daily disposable Silicone hydrogel contact lens. Gleitsicht-Kontaktlinsen erkennst du daran, dass im Namen "multifocal" oder auch "for Presbyopia" auftaucht. Nahzone im Zentrum und fließendem Übergang von der Nahzone bis zur Peripherie (Vorderfläche). Jederzeit zugreifen: Der Inhalt des Buches steht Ihnen ohne weitere Kosten digital in der Wissensplattform eRef zur Verfügung (Zugangscode im Buch). Mit der kostenlosen eRef App haben Sie zahlreiche Inhalte auch offline immer griffbereit. Durch dieses Werk kann der Weiterbildungsassistent für die Facharztprüfung "Augenheilkunde" das erarbeitete Wissen realitätsnah überprüfen und sich optimal auf die Prüfungssituation vorbereiten: - Systematisch, effizient und ... Bei Lieferung in Nicht-EU-Länder entfällt die MwSt. Copyright: © 2018 Breher et al. As recently shown, the choroidal thickness can also be influenced by the difference of ON to OFF signals of the viewed scene. All participants were scheduled between 1 pm and 3 pm, to diminish intersubject differences in ChT changes due to the diurnal choroidal rhythm [19, 20]. Mit unserer Lensy-Click -Dienstleistung ist es zudem möglich, Ihre . (A) Concentric structure of the MFD lens consisting of a 1.7 mm center with distance prescription and a progressive addition zone up to 8.5 mm. (A) Concentric structure of the MFD lens consisting of a 2.3 mm center with distance prescription and a progressive addition zone up to 8.5 mm. Vorteile. Torische Kontaktlinsen sind spezielle Kontaktlinsen zur Korrektur einer Hornhautverkrümmung. In the present study, the average difference of the summed ON and OFF signals of the watched movie in the present study resembled natural viewing scenes and therefore did not provoke additional choroidal changes. Vitreous chamber depth was calculated in Excel (Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) by subtracting the corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth and lens thickness from the axial length. Yes Zahlreiche Beispiele helfen bei der Abfassung eines Gutachtens. Begutachten – sicher und fundiert Augenärzte möchten ihre Patienten optimal betreuen, gerade auch bei gutachterlichen Fragestellungen. Doch die Tücke liegt oft im Detail. Einfach anrufen! In conclusion, the study did not show significant changes in choroidal thickness with different designs of multifocal contact lenses. No, Is the Subject Area "Choroid" applicable to this article? Bei multifokalen Kontaktlinsen werden mehrere Korrekturwerte in einer Linse kombiniert und werden so entwickelt, dass auf verschiedene Distanzen die Sehschwächen korrigiert werden können. FDA-Zulassung (amerikanische Beh�rde f�r Nahrungsmittel und In contrast, the complementary study evaluated the choroidal diurnal rhythm and the induced long-term effects of multifocal contact lenses. - Inh. Starter-Set Testlinsen Jetzt testen! Subjects’ choroidal thickness of both eyes was measured on three separate days in 2 h intervals between 9 am and 5 pm while wearing regular spectacle distance correction lenses during the day. After each contact lens was worn for 30 min, OCT and biometry scans were performed three times on both eyes, whereas peripheral refraction was performed six times on the right eye only. Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, Within a small subset of n = 3 subjects, a complementary prestudy was conducted. Buy contact lenses at Coastal, spend $99 and get $15 off and free shipping! e0207637. At Alcon, we are proudly committed to creating a work culture that welcomes and celebrates diversity and . Suomi (Finland) France. Yes Data Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript. The anterior segment picture of the IOLMaster 700 was used for the control of the contact lens centration on the eye. The RPM group revealed the least myopic central refractive error with -1.73 ± 0.08 D, followed by the RPH group with -2.92 ± 1.32 D. The subjects with NPS profiles were measured with the highest on-axis myopia of -4.49 ± 1.68 D. The average uncorrected eccentric refraction profiles are divided into three groups: NPS, RPH and RPM. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 120... der « Micro - Pupil » -Kontaktlinse aus Polymethacrylat konzentrierte man sich auf die Entwicklung neuer Linsen - Typen , so der 1961 patentierten Multifocal - Linse ** ) . Auch die Kontaktlinsen - Hygiene wurde nicht vergessen . To visualize the optical design of an MFD or MFN lens and its influence on choroidal thickness, Figs 5 and 6 contain theoretical designs of the contact lenses as measured by Wagner et al. PACKAGE DETAILS: 90 sterile, single use, daily wear soft contact lenses, 31% nelfilcon A, 69% water, in buffered saline containing PEG and HPMC. atrea select 1 month spheric 18,90 €. Die mit D gekennzeichnete Version steht für einen größeren (weil mittig positionierten) Distanzsichtbereich. Erlebe den ganzen Tag lang 96 % Hydratisierung, selbst nach 12 Stunden Tragezeit. Buy prescription eye contacts online for astigmatism, colored lenses and others, enjoy Lens hassle-free ordering, vision test online, and money back guarantee. Methodology, Sie önnen gleichzeitig Sehfehler korrigieren. We offer monthly contact lenses at the most affordable price range in South Africa. Shop monthly contact lenses at EyeSupply. When your gaze shifts downward for reading or seeing near objects, a segmented multifocal contact lens stays in place . MwSt., versandkostenfrei. Aber besonders wenn Sie zum ersten Mal Kontaktlinsen tragen oder den Hersteller wechseln wollen, brauchen Sie eine gute Beratung vor dem Kauf.. Wenn Sie auf diese Beratung nicht verzichten und trotzdem online kaufen möchten, ist unser Kontaktlinsen-Vergleich perfekt für Sie. In addition, peripheral refraction profiles in primary gaze were obtained using photorefraction. Geschäftsführer Netzwerk Nordbayern, Nürnberg Projektleiter der High-Tech-Gründerinitiative „unternimm was“ der Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, München „Die Autorin stellt nicht nur die wesentlichen Bestandteile eines Businessplanes ... Funding acquisition, Subjects underwent OCT and biometry measurements before and after 30 min of contact lens wear. Although vitreous chamber depth shortened in both eyes with all types of contact lenses, there were no statistically significant differences between the lenses or between both eyes (all p > 0.05). We offer a free standard delivery service on all contact lenses ( Multifocal, Torics, Silicone Hydrogel ) orders overs over £45, otherwise if you're in a hurry we provide a faster premium delivery service for £3.99. European Union) Kontaktlinsen AT (Austria) Contactlenzen BE (Belgium) Kontaktlinsen CH (Switzerland) Kontaktlinsen DE (Germany) Kontaktlinser DK (Denmark) Lentes de contacto ES (Spain) Piilolinssit FI (Finland) Lentilles de contact FR (France) Contact Lenses UK (United Kingdom) Contact Lenses GR (Greece) Contact Lenses IE (Ireland) Lenti a contatto IT (Italy) . These interventions altogether aim to reduce hyperopic defocus, especially on the peripheral retina [8] As shown in animal studies, full-field and locally imposed hyperopic defocus results in compensatory axial eye growth and thus faster myopia progression [9–11]. Die Monatslinsen können Sie bis zu 14 Stunden täglich tragen. Astrid Brockhausen - Straße des Friedens 24a - 06258 Schkopau, Warenkorb-Shopsystem für Kontaktlinsen und Pflegemittel. Hauptthemen dieses Kongreßbandes sind neue Entwicklungen in der Kataraktchirurgie, der Kunstlinsenimplantation, des Linsendesigns und der refraktiven Hornhautchirurgie einschließlich Biometrie und Hornhauttopographie. Validation, Supervision, The saline may contain up to 0.05% Poloxamer. ununterbrochen getragen werden. However, a complete exclusion of choroidal involvement is not possible due to the visible trends of choroidal thickening and changed diurnal rhythm with the lenses. Kontaktlinsen: Welche Stärke benötigt man? We stock a range of brands including Acuvue, Avaira, SofLens, AirOptix, and FreshLook. These lenses are smaller in diameter than soft contact lenses and rest on a layer of tears above the margin of your lower eyelid. Multifocal contact lenses (Proclear Multifocal “D”; CooperVision, Inc., Fairport, NY, USA) have been shown to efficiently prevent myopia progression up to 50% in children regarding their refractive error development during two years of wear [7]. The OCT scan area covered a retinal angle of 20° for an axial length of 24 mm. Kontaktlinsen. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the protective effect of multifocal contact lenses can be attributed to an increase in choroidal thickness due to the imposition of myopic defocus on the retina via the addition zones within the lenses. The central choroid constantly decreased in thickness over the course of the day when wearing regular spectacle distance correction lenses (Fig 3). Kontaktlinsen im Internet zu bestellen ist schnell und bequem. These discrepancies with past results might be caused by different study protocols and analysis methods in the present study. Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. The refractor used a moving mirror to measure refractive errors of both vertical and horizontal meridians out to an eccentricity of ±50° nasally and temporally as described previously [18]. 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