300 mm. The Contax Zeiss 50mm F/1.4 Planar (Retro) was equipped with a native Leitax mount hence offering a strong connection to the camera. The product name of the new Canon lens was confirmed with "RF5.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye". The new Samyang 50mm T1.5 Cine lens is here. In Europe/Rest of the world it's marketed as Samyang, in North America it's marketed under Rokinon brand. Relative to the specs, the pricing is pretty hot at around 550USD/EUR. Fisheye. Andreas Karpe Gora berichtet von persönlichen Erfahrungen und Situationen aus dem Alltag eines Sportfotografen, die so noch nicht zu lesen waren. It is one of the best value lenses on the market if not THE best value. This is a subjective observation. Samyang AF 85mm F1.4 RF / Rokinon AF 85mm F1.4 RF. Comparing better is the Samyang T-S 24's vignetting - showing very slightly less than the Canon option (about 1.5 stops vs. 1.8 stops) at f/3.5. The Zeiss CP2 50mm T2.1 Makro Cine of course offers all functionality a Cine lens should have. We will post more updates as soon as they become available to. $629.00. Gary Wolstenholme reviews the new Samyang 50mm f/1.4 AS UMC prime lens, with a bright f/1.4 aperture, the lens is available for full-frame and APS-C cameras . Veliki maksimalni otvor blende od F/1.4 čini ovaj objektiv idealnim low-light objektivom dok upotreba specijalnih sočiva i premaza daje vrhunski kvalitet slike. Hard Stops seem strong enough to withstand a motorised focusing system. These findings as well as the Cine attributes the lens brings make it a no brainer as to whether it is a good 50mm Cine lens for video work. Global Cinema Zoom Lens Market 2021 Future Scenario - Zeiss, Samyang, Leica, Cooke Optics Limited The Global Cinema Zoom Lens Market 2021 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2027 survey report, issued by MarketQuest.biz contains information and helpful statistics about market structure and size in CAGR. It's exactly the same lens. Canon currently has two main 85mm lens options. He is currently teaching film at Andrews University in the US. The Samyang is a must-buy for anyone who doesn't already have a Canon 35mm F1.4L, Nikon 35mm F1.4 or the new Zeiss 35mm F1.4. Somehow it may look similar to Panasonic 3d lenses or may have a completely new design. It has a total focus travel of about 270° in its makro range, but focuses from infinity to the Samyang’s 0.45m within an angle of about 90°. Nedostatak autofokusa je praktično zanemarljiv s obzirom na veliku dubinsku oštrinu koju pružaju objektivi ovog tipa. In fact, this lens is smaller and more light-weight than the Tamron SP 85mm f/1.8 Di VC USD which is a slower lens. Die Fachpresse ist sich einig: Mehr Foto-Hightech für die Jackentasche ist nicht möglich. See the optical comparison below. Rokinon is a brand owned by Samyang Optics. Der Autor Ronny Behnert ist einer der besten europäischen FineArt-Fotografen. Er betreibt seit Jahren die Website bewegungsunschaerfe.de, die sich unter anderem mit dem Thema Langzeitbelichtung beschäftigt. This is an ultrawide angle lens that takes full frames, delivering high resolution from the center to the corners of the image, all in a lightweight package. If you can live with the inherent distortion and the lack of autofocusing, the Samyang 14mm f/2.8 lens provides by far the cheapest way to get a really wide-angle lens that can produce sharp images. Surprisingly, the combination with the Samyang lens won, it has to do with Canon's superior sensor though… Samyang 500mm F/8 is designed for full-frame cameras. DJI Drone Guide – What is the Right DJI Drone for Me? There is no AF/MF switch on the lens so you have to control the focus mode on your camera. Unlike the previous lenses the MF 14mm f2.8 and MF 85mm f1.4 this time they are bringing us an auto focus lens, the Samyang AF 14mm f2.8 RF. Slede primeri: (fotografije su iz RAW formata, ravijenog u ACR 6.7 sa default podešavanjima - bez uklanjanja aberacije). It is partly metal and operates very smoothly. The resolution test of the Samyang 24 mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC was based on RAW files from the Canon EOS 1Ds MkIII body. I would give the following ratings:Samyang 100%, Contax 95%, Canon 90%, Zeiss 20% distortion. Podržava objektive: Samyang 650-1300mm IF MC F8.0-16.0 Samyang 800mm MC F8.0 Samyang 500mm MC IF f/8 Mirror Samyang 500mm F6.3 MC Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II USM on Canon EOS 5DS R vs Samyang 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC Aspherical Canon on Canon EOS 5DS R COMPARISON SELECTION (3 selected items max.) One su veoma niskom nivou i po tom pitanju ovaj objektiv je u samom vrhu u svojoj klasi. Uočavamo da pri fotografisanju scena pejzažnog tipa izobličenja ne dolaze do izražaja: Što se tiče oštrine i rezolucije, zaključak na osnovu prethodnih test primera je da Samyang 14/2.8 na blendi F/2.8 daje malo mekšu sliku ali već pritvaranjem blende na F/4 slika je veoma oštra. Samyang 24-70mm F2.8 FE is about to arrive but Someone already posted Lens images, details about the lens, and even sample images too. Samyang 12 mm f/2 NCS CS. Bevor Sie sich an die Arbeit machen, führt Sie Stefan Weis, seines Zeichens professioneller Aktfotograf, in eines der schwierigsten Kapitel der Aktfotografie ein: die Herausforderung Mensch. The Samyang XP 10mm f/3.5's super wide angle focal length is perfect for landscapes (Image credit: Matthew Richards) Samyang XP 10mm f/3.5 at Wex Photo Video for £869; Samyang XP 10mm f/3.5: Building and Handling. Samyang 135mm F2.0 ED UMC has a low F number of F2.0. Poznati smo po tome što smo prvi u Srbiji počeli sa prodajom digitalnih fotoaparata, objektiva, kamera i opreme, još 2001 godine! Above: Zeiss 135mm f2.0 at 135mm, f2.0. Sharpness:This is where the Samyang really shines. Samyang Cine lenses are very popular among low budget filmmakers as they offer semi-professional cine lens “functionality” at a very affordable price. Announced May 28, 2020. The lens feels surprisingly sturdy with a lens body made of metal. The data provided and the newsletter opening statistics will be stored on a personal data basis until you unsubscribe. Samyang 14/2.8 je ultra široki objektiv za full-frame fotoaparate sa Canon/Nikon bajonetom. At less than 25% of the cost of the Canon 85mm f/1.2, I don't think you're making many sacrifices. Max focal length. The Samyang 24mm f1.4 ED AS IF UMC is a wide-angle full-frame lens available for Nikon, Canon, Sony E-mount, and MFT DSLRs. Minimalna udaljenost na koju je moguće izoštriti je 28cm: U nastavku ćemo proveriti optičke karakteristike objektiva: Oštrinu i količinu detalja smo proverili na 3 različita motiva. Samyang 14/2.8 je svakako jedan od najinteresantnijih ultrširokih objektiva na tržištu. 18. 203. It weighs in at 800g (1.8 pounds) compared to the more svelte 523g (1.15 pounds) of the RF14. Most people are amazed by its performance and do compare this lens with a lot pricier lenses. Weight-wise there's a similar difference. Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC je širokougaoni objektiv namenjen za Canon fotoaparate sa Full-Frame i APS-C senzorom. Canon and Contax come in slightly behind and on the CP2 as mentioned vignetting is quite strong. Comparing both lenses at T2.1 the Samyang has much stronger distortion while the Zeiss has only very little of this.On the other hand one of the characteristics of the Zeiss CP2 line is very strong vignetting when used wide open. 300 mm. In this test we compared 4K files. Although no further details are available about the lens. It has a good grip and lies good in the hand. If you attach it to an APS-C sensor camera, you will get a 1.5-1.6x increase in the zoom and on Micro 4/3 sensor 2x increase. While you may guess that the latter is just a mount-adapted version, it is in fact a completely new design. Das Handbuch zu Nikons erstem Einsteiger-Modell der Z-Serie Genaue Erklärungen aller Kamerafunktionen Praxisnahe Anleitung zum Fotografieren (Landschaft, Porträt, Architektur und mehr) Erläutert Zusammenspiel mit anderen Nikkor ... XP 35mm F1.2 is the top class lens, which has been made by Samyang's 40 year know-how in optical design and manufacturing technology. Sebastian Wöber is a director and DP, studied at Filmacademy Vienna and is passionate about harnessing the potential of filmmaking tech to create powerful cinematic work with limited resources. It will successfully support you in photography with the latest 50M or higher pixel DSLR cameras, and 8K filming. Driven by their recent flood of AF lenses, Samyang has been rushing into the mainstream of third-party lens manufacturers. Samyang Adapter T2 T-mount za Canon. Erfahren Sie, worauf bei der Ausrüstung zu achten ist und freuen Sie sich auf kreative, inspirierende Beispiele von Patrick Zasada! Sledi deo testa u kojem proveravamo otpornost objektiva na hromatske aberacije, flare, ghosting,vinjetiranje kao i kvalitet bokeha. This places high demands on sharpness, color errors and distortion. For further details, see our Privacy Policy. The broad, metal focus ring operates smoothly. Canon users have just one slower lens, the Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM, priced at £409. Well, it’s a photo lens. Telo objektiva je izrađeno od veoma kvalitetnog polikarbonata, dva prstena (za fokusiranje i za podešavanje otvora blende) su čvrsto utegnuti i objektiv generalno rečeno odaje utisak visokog kvaliteta izrade. cinema5D GmbH, Kranzgasse 22/9-10, A-1150 Vienna, Austria, Nikon Z 50, Z5, Z6, and Z7 Firmware Update Released - Improved AF Performances and Stability, Blackmagic URSA Broadcast G2 Announced - 6K S35 Sensor, Dual ISO, and More, Hollyland COSMO C1 Released – Direct Live Streaming Made Easy, Unleashed '22 Bluetooth Timelapse, Remote, Geotagging, and Long Exposure Dongle Launched, amaran P60c/60x Lighting Field Review – Low Cost Paired with Tons of Features, SHAPE Swing-Away Matte Box Review – Great Cost/Feature Ratio on a Budget, DJI Action 2 Review - so Tiny, yet so Capable, Sony a7 IV Review – a Pretty Advanced "Entry-Level" Mirrorless Camera, Canon EOS R5 External 8K ProRes RAW Dynamic Range Lab Test - 8K Without Overheating, Panasonic LUMIX GH5 II Lab Test – Rolling Shutter, Dynamic Range and Latitude Test, Sony A1 Lab Test - Rolling Shutter, Dynamic Range and Latitude, Sony FX6 Lab Test – External ProRes RAW vs Internal XAVC-Intra. drugi test kadar na kojem uočavamo izraženo krivljenje vertikala karakterično za ultraširoke objektive: Treći test kadar; najudaljeniji motiv. Compare this to OEM lenses with similar on-paper specs. To find a lens in this list, do one of the following: Press Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac OS) and search for a lens by name. Certainly the Zeiss CP2 is a tank in comparison, offering extreme precision and optical accuracy. The Samyang 800mm MC IF f/8 is a manual focus, fixed aperture mirror lens made in Korea. Every copy of it comes with a test certificate. I won’t go into too much detail about technical stuff here, but will give you an overview of the lenses performance: Distortion:Of all tested lenses Samyang has the strongest distortion. Uvek smo tu da vas saslušamo, porazgovaramo i damo najbolje predloge i najpovoljnije cene na tržištu. So, after Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 ART and Tamron 28-75mm RXD F2.8 Lens now we have the Samyang 24-70mm F2.8 for Sony. Bilder. Blendu možemo podešavati u rasponu od F/2.8 do F/22 u koracima od pola blende, izuzimaći poslednji korak od F/16 ka F/22. Samyang lenses are well regarded by those interested in astrophotography and nightscapes with both the Samyang 14mm f2.8 and XP 14mm f2.4 manual focus lenses being extremely popular, the 14mm f2.8 may be the most popular astrophotography lens available so the new AF 14mm f2.8 EF has a lot to live up to. The Viltrox 24mm F1.8 STM is not heavy by any measure (340g), but it is about 48% heavier than the AF24, which is a svelte 230g (about 8 oz). Samyang 14/2.8 je ultra široki objektiv za full-frame fotoaparate sa Canon/Nikon bajonetom. Ovaj adapter služi za korištenje Samyang telefoto objektiva na DSLR fotoaparatima. but their status is unclear. Das test Jahrbuch 2021 versammelt mehr als 100 detaillierte Tests mit überraschenden Ergebnissen zu Produkten und Angeboten für alle Lebenslagen – übersichtlich sortiert nach Themenbereichen. Both are also sold under the Rokinon brand name in North America (as the Rokinon 14mm F2.8 RF and Rokinon 14mm F2.8 Z respectively). The Canon option delivers very noticeably better image quality - it as sharp at f/3.5 as the Samyang is at any aperture in this comparison. Samyang have just announced another lens for Canon's full frame mirrorless RF mount cameras. Unexpected! Glavne karakteristike ovog objektiva su kvalitetna izrada, vrlo dobra oštrina i vrlo malo hromatskih aberacija. Fotografije su iz RAW formata, razvijene u ACR 6.7 sa default podešavanjima (bez uklanjanja aberacija). When compared to the Zeiss CP2 50mm T2.1 Makro Cine @ T2.8 we see that the Samyang 50mm T1.5 Cine retains very slight chromatic abberation at the edges when stopped down, but becomes slightly sharper at the edges than the Zeiss lens. The Samyang lens has a length of merely 72mm compared to the 126mm of the Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM ART which may be its most obvious competitor. So, many options.. Die perfekte Kamera für die Hosentasche und auch in Damenhandtaschen ist sie gern gesehen. We've been wanting to test the Samyang lenses for some time and a special thanks goes out to LensRentals.com for sending us a selection to test. There is very little color fringing when shot wide open. Dobro došli ! Mi smo prodavnica isključivo nove foto i video opreme koja već 23 godine opslužuje široki broj kupaca, od građana i amatera, preko profesionalnih fotografa i videografa do TV produkcija. These are the Samyang 50mm Cine’s advantages over a normal photo lens:• It has geared focus and iris control for follow focus and iris control.• The focus ring has hard stops on either end for accurate focusing.• The Iris can be controlled manually and is “de-clicked” / has no steps.• Full focusing ring rotation is about 160°.• Standardised front diameter of 77mm among most Samyang Cine lenses. We will update you soon as we get any new information on this. The lens is also available for Canon EF, Nikon F, MFT and Sony A: HERE, We have an exclusive cinema5D deal for our European readers: (20€ off on any Samyang lens) LINK. With less distortion than a 35mm lens and wider angles than a 55mm lens, the Samyang AF 45mm F1.8 FE is a perfect lens for portraits, landscapes, architecture photography . However, a more direct response was given to a DPReview forum member on the matter. We tested the Sony E-mount version. Der international ausgezeichnete Kameramann Brian Dilg kombiniert fotografische Grundlagen wie Belichtung, Fokus und Bildkomposition mit den jüngsten Erkenntnissen der Psychologie, kognitiver Neurowissenschaft und evolutionärer Biologie. Verzija za Canon sistem nema kontakte, ali uprkos tome TTL merenje radi sasvim normalno . The Thai website Cameramaker leaked the first pictures of a new Samyang AF 24-70mm f/2.8 FE lens (the site contains also several sample photos). List of supported lenses. Samyang 300mm f/6.3 ED UMC CS Canon EF-M. Great telephoto lens. U kompletu se dobijaju zonerica i torbica za nošenje objektiva. Ono se ipak lako koriguje pri razvijanju RAW fajlova. We cannot test the lenses lifetime. Canon RF 5.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye Lens. 100% kropovi iz centra i iz ugla kadra (kliknuti za 100% uvećanje): Oštrinu i rezolucija su sasvim dobri za ovako širok objektiv pri fokusiranju "na blizu". Samyang 10 mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS. Test smo radili sa fotoaparatom Canon EOS 5d mk2. © 2021 All rights reserved. The Samyang Cine lens offers all you need for basic manual operation and accurate focusing movie style. Verzija za Canon sistem nema kontakte, ali uprkos tome TTL merenje radi sasvim normalno, jedini izuzetak je u tome što podaci o blendi i žižnoj daljini nisu upisani u exif fotografija.
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